About Me

A manga-style rendition of me drawn by one of my students circa 2006

This blog started out as a way to chronicle my various adventures living, working and studying in Japan. Its scope has expanded to all sorts of other random topics along the way. That’s part of the idea–I’m not a one-dimensional person, so why should my blog be? You’ll read about travel, photography, gardening, books, crafting, fashion, television and more–never a dull moment!

In Japan, the term モダンガール(modan gaaru) refers to Japanese women who followed Westernized fashions and lifestyles in the 1920s. These “moga” were Japan’s equivalent of America’s flapper; they were depicted as living in the cities, being financially and emotionally independent, choosing their own suitors, and being model consumers. In any case, I’ve always thought that these women were a really interesting group living at a really interesting time in Japan. And I liked the play on words. :)

A note about content: The writing and photography featured on this blog is my original work unless otherwise noted. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to A Modern Girl with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

If you wish to use my photos on your own site or get larger versions of them, please contact me. If you receive permission to use my photos, you must credit me when using the photo elsewhere and provide a link back to this blog or to my Flickr site. And this credit should be visibly connected to the photo(s) that you have used (i.e. if you’ve used my photos and those of others somewhere, don’t cite all of us in a batch after the fact, but give each photographer credit for the specific photo he/she took). You can use this code if you like:

© <a href=”https://amoderngirl.wordpress.com”>A Modern Girl</a> and <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/people/kristi-san/”>kristi-san</a&gt;

Happy reading!