Tag Archive: j-festa

Things I Like About Japan #8: Hanami

It’s springtime here in Japan, which means that it’s time for one of my favorite pastimes: hanami! What is hanami, you ask? Well, it’s usually translated as “cherry blossom viewing,” but it’s so… Continue reading

Traditional Kaiseki Cuisine at a Japanese Ryokan

The theme of this month’s J-Festa blogging showcase is “Dining in Japan,” which sounded like an excellent excuse to share some more photos from my recent trip to Hakone. A major highlight of… Continue reading

Places in Japan: One Fantastic Day in Historic Takayama

Reesan from loneleeplanet has started up a new blogging festival called J-Festa to showcase the best of Japan, and this month’s theme is “Places in Japan.” I thought I would use the opportunity… Continue reading